Uniform Code
Students wearing the school uniform are representing the college and in this regard, it is expected that the complete uniform is worn at all times.
- School Jumper with Castletroy College Crest.
- Traditional Style School Shirt, blue in colour (no logos visible) worn with the school tie at all times (tie to be seen at all times)
- Uniform skirt length should be at ankle or ¾ length.
- Trousers – Dark Grey to shoe length.
- Brown/Black/Navy leather shoes or deck shoes to be worn – no runners, converse, boots, ugg boots, canvass shoes etc.
- Dark coloured socks, preferably navy.
- In the interest of health and safety – jewellery must be kept to a minimum. One pair of stud earrings no more than 4mm in diameter can be worn. (No spacers, bars or hoops allowed)
- No facial or body piercings and tattoos to be covered at all times.
- No extreme hair colour i.e. hair is to be of a natural colour. Designs cut into the hair is strictly prohibited.
Castletroy College School uniform now available at:
Fennessy’s, William Street, Limerick
So Schools, Ballycummin Village, Limerick
Mike O’Connell, 9 Catherine Street, Limerick.
Noel’s, Bedford Row, Limerick.
PE Uniform
Available from https://uniformity.ie/collections/castletroy-college
Crested school jacket is a compulsory part of the school uniform.