Castletroy College

School Self Evaluation

School Self Evaluation

What is School Self Evaluation (SSE)? School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgements. All of this with a view to bring about improvements in students’ learning. SSE is embedded in and informs all aspects of planning for improvements in teaching and learning in Castletroy College.

SSE 2022-2023 Castletroy College

School Self-Evaluation

There is a continuous commitment for improvement in student experience and student outcome within the entire school community. Each department strives towards implementing a range of actions that will help progress the whole school SSE annual targets.

Standards have been identified from the LAOS document as areas in need of improvement and all departments in the school use collaborative planning to help progress these areas of improvement.

Focus for 2021-2022 Formative Feedback

• To share expertise in the area of effective feedback.
• To implement effective feedback as part of our teaching and learning which will support our students in moving forward with their learning.

Feedback includes telling students what they have done well and what they need to do to improve. It also includes reminding students of what they were aiming to achieve.

Student survey data as well as focus group indicated that improvement planning in the area of feedback could enhance their learning experience in our classrooms but also their sense of efficacy.

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For feedback to be effective certain elements should be in place. (NCCA).

Feedback is linked to and builds on our 2016-2020 SSE cycle which focused on increasing student ownership and responsibility of their learning through the sharing learning intentions and success criteria.


Actions taken:

September 2021: Core curriculum leaders team researched, trailed and evaluated examples of feedback tools/strategies in their classes during September.

October 2021:

Our new SSE link teacher was established and received induction training Central to this induction session was the sharing of best practice in the area of effective feedback. Link teachers lead a discussion on effective feedback at Departmental level.

November 30th – Staff interdepartmental ‘Teach Meet’ –on the topic of effective feedback.

December 2021: Action planning at departmental level.

February 2022: Monitoring and evaluation on impact of actions at departmental level. Collaborative action planning document updated. Feedback from students sought. Examples of effective practice sought by core team to collate for school wide sharing.

March 2022: Production of an ebook of best practice in the area of effective feedback.

April/May: Planned evaluation - student and teacher focus group and survey.

SSE in Castletroy College

The current areas for improvement are outlined in the table below. We are now in our fourth year of a four-year cycle of school self-evaluation. The focus of this year is on embedding agreed actions in day to day lessons which bring about improvements in students learning. Our overall aim is to increase student ownership and responsibility for their learning as well as increase student engagement and participation. This whole school focus is being realised through a number of agreed targets and actions as outlined below.

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What evidence do we gather?

Evidence is gathered annually from a number of sources which allows us to make judgements on where we are at, identify the impact, if any, of our actions in the classroom and informs the next steps in the process.

Data is gathered from all 1st, 2nd and 5th year students via a questionnaire. In recent years a focus group has been conducted with a group of 1st and 2nd year students and valuable qualitative data gathered. This data is collated and presented for discussion at whole staff session. Immediate oral and written feedback is obtained from staff on reflection on student data. Teacher data is also gathered via questionnaire.

A comprehensive evaluation will take place in May 2020 as we come to the end of this four-year SSE cycle.

SSE & Junior Cycle

From September 2019, all teachers in all subject areas will be working from the new Junior Cycle specifications. Some will be working from the new specification with just 1st year students while others are further along the journey.

All teachers within all departments will design or review units of work for delivery to students. SSE is the tool that will assist us in designing units of work that contain all the elements of ‘good’ teaching. These elements will facilitate students to have ownership and responsibility of their learning as well as developing a range of key skills as outlined in the framework.

Student wellbeing is also greatly enhanced when students are engaged and participating in their learning, when they feel they are making progress as learning, have ownership and responsibility for their learning and are listened to and have a voice in the classroom.

Effective Collaborative Planning

All strands for improvement can be embedded in our classes through a deliberate and effective planning process. Effective collaborative planning at departmental level includes the following key elements.

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Resources to assist in the planning process:

  • For a copy of your subject specification and assessment guidelines:

  • For planning templates for your subject area:

  • For a range of classroom resources:

  • For ideas/strategies on how to place students at the centre of their learning:

  • For a range of tools to encourage student reflection:

Team drive > Curriculum > Learning and Teaching 2016-2020 > Curriculum Leaders > Reflection on learning tools

Review and Reflection

SSE link teachers are the link between subject departments and the SSE core team. Link teachers will meet once per term and feedback to the core SSE team. Whole staff sessions and further support will be designed and made available based on needs identified by link teachers. The curriculum leaders’ team will continue to work on developing resources to assist in aspects of the planning process.

Castletroy College,
Co. Limerick,
V94 6D85

061 330 785

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