A great deal of thought and effort has gone into the design of the Castletroy College Crest in an endeavour to symbolise the uniqueness of our School.
Firstly, the mythical “Salmon of Knowledge” is seen leaping in the nearby Shannon River, against a background of the “Rising Sun” – symbolising a new beginning, in which it is hoped that our students will also rise to meet their full potential in our new School. Behind the sun, the Castle of Castletroy is portrayed, identifying our locality, including the colours of the Troy family. There is also an “Open Book” signifying learning, which has two pages displayed – on the left is the “Ardagh Cross”, which is an integral part of the crests of the Limerick Diocese and County Limerick VEC (now LCETB), both of whom are co-trustees of Castletroy College. On the right, is MM, signifying the year 2000, when the school first opened its doors to the children of Castletroy and its environs.
Lastly, the motto “Ut Sint Unum” or “That They May be One”, symbolises the ideal of partnership between students, teachers and parents in ensuring the best possible educational experience for the pupils of Castletroy College. (2000)
SCHOOL CONTEXT- Castletroy College is a designated community college, where the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB) is the patron, with the Roman Catholic diocese of Limerick as a trustee partner. It is co-educational and has a defined geographical catchment serving the local suburban and rural community on the eastern side of Limerick City. (WSE Report 2017)