Castletroy College

Mission Statement

Mission Statement and Ethos

Mission Statement

Our mission in Castletroy College is the holistic education of the individual, enabling students to become responsible, caring members of society as well as encouraging them to reach their full potential. In our daily lives we value the principles of justice and mutual respect embracing all denominations and cultures.

We endeavour to nurture and maintain a school community which involves the partnership of staff, students, parents, trustees and the local community. In the pursuit of this ideal we provide a broad and balanced range of curricular and extra-curricular experiences for all students.

The mission of the College is the education of the individual as a whole person. In the pursuit of this ideal, the College provides a broadly based curriculum for all pupils of the community, allowing each pupil to attain the highest level of academic and skill-based attainment consonant with their interests, abilities and talents. This ideal can only be realised by the College by building on foundations which have already been laid in the home and being assisted at all times by the parents/guardians of the pupil. Our vision is that education is a joint effort between school, home and community.

The aims of the College are:

  • To be a centre of academic and educational excellence
  • To provide a broad based education for pupils of the community
  • To provide conditions which will foster the fullest development of each pupil as an individual and as a member of society
  • To teach moral values, attitudes and behaviour patterns and thus engender an attitude of respect towards oneself, others and the environment.
  • To enable pupils to learn, preserve and respect their own religious beliefs and worship within their faith tradition.
  • To engender a spirit of ecumenism and dialogue, encouraging pupils to grow in their understanding of religious traditions other than their own.
  • To help pupils to embrace change, search for truth and develop a critical faculty.
  • To engender in each pupil a sense of self esteem and an appreciation of their own dignity.
  • To encourage in pupils a respect for the rights and opinions of others, irrespective of their race, sex, social background or religious beliefs.
  • To facilitate pupils to have an understanding of Irish heritage and culture and Ireland’s role within the European and world community.
  • To impress upon pupils the need to respect personal, school and community property.
  • To promote a spirit of self-discipline and integrity
  • To encourage an awareness of equality and a spirit of care and toleration.
  • To encourage pupils, parents and staff, to make a positive contribution to the shaping of the College, its image and its role in the community.

In order that the College may fulfil its mission and attain its aims, it is essential that all involved with the College community adhere to the code of behaviour and discipline as drawn up and reviewed by the Board of Management.

Mission Statement and Ethos
Castletroy College,
Co. Limerick,
V94 6D85

061 330 785

© 2025 Castletroy College